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MySQL query works in Workbench but hibernate throws MySQLSyntaxErrorException

I have a query that it is bringing me 2 results. It works properly when I use it on MySQL Workbench, but when I use it on my hibernate mapping as a formula, I'm getting this error:

SEVERE: Servlet.service() for servlet [FacesServlet] in context with path [/glic_web_admin] threw exception [javax.persistence.PersistenceException: org.hibernate.exception.SQLGrammarException: could not extract ResultSet] with root cause com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'shipmentre0_.SEPARATOR ', ') FROM glic_shipment s LEFT OUTER JOIN glic_shipment' at line 1

Here is my SQL query in hibernate mapping:

<property name="supplier" type="java.lang.String"
            formula="(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(pnSon.supplier SEPARATOR ', ')
     FROM glic_shipment s 
     LEFT OUTER JOIN glic_shipment sSon ON sSon.id_shipment_parent =
     LEFT OUTER JOIN glic_rel_purchase_shipment_common_data pscdSon ON = sSon.id_common_data
     LEFT OUTER JOIN glic_purchase_notice pnSon ON = pscdSon.id_purchase_notice)" />   

The expected output of this query is a String which have the results concatenated. I know it's a syntax problem but I didn't find how to solve this.

EDIT: This is the query that hibernate is executing:

(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(pnSon.supplier shipmentre0_.SEPARATOR ', ') FROM glic_shipment s  LEFT OUTER JOIN glic_shipment sSon ON sSon.id_shipment_parent = LEFT OUTER JOIN glic_rel_purchase_shipment_common_data pscdSon ON = sSon.id_common_data LEFT OUTER JOIN glic_purchase_notice pnSon ON = pscdSon.id_purchase_notice) as formula27_0_

How can I solve this?


  • You have not to write SEPARATOR ', ' try as follows:

    <property name="supplier" type="java.lang.String"
                formula="(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(pnSon.supplier, ' ')
         FROM glic_shipment s 
         LEFT OUTER JOIN glic_shipment sSon ON sSon.id_shipment_parent =
         LEFT OUTER JOIN glic_rel_purchase_shipment_common_data pscdSon ON = sSon.id_common_data
         LEFT OUTER JOIN glic_purchase_notice pnSon ON = pscdSon.id_purchase_notice)" />