When plotting a plane that is not parallel to the z-axis, one can simply solve the equation with respect to z and plot it as a function of x and y using splot. When plotting the plane x+y+z=1
for example one can just use z(x, y)=1-x-y
and then splot z(x, y)
But how can I plot the plane x+y=1
in gnuplot when there is no function z(x, y)
that describes it?
Use the parametric mode to plot such a plane:
set parametric
splot 2 - u, u, v w l
For the records, here's the full code to generate the above plot:
set ticslevel 0
set xzeroaxis
set yzeroaxis
set xlabel 'x'
set ylabel 'y'
set zlabel 'z'
set autoscale fix
set parametric
splot 2 - u, u, v w l