Where can I get the the error object keys list of the built-in Validators?
For example, if a field uses the required
built-in validator, then I can check:
but not all the error object keys have the same name as the validator.
For example, if I use the maxLength
validator, then the following will not work:
It is possible to check those values looking directly at the source code:
In my specific case, the object key error for the maxLength
validator is maxlength
(with lower case L).
I figured it out by looking its implementation in the source code, currently:
static maxLength(maxLength: number): ValidatorFn {
return (control: AbstractControl): ValidationErrors | null => {
const length: number = control.value ? control.value.length : 0;
return length > maxLength ?
{'maxlength': {'requiredLength': maxLength, 'actualLength': length}} :
so I'm using: