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Run something when first client connects in twisted?

So I have a main server written in twisted. I want to run a backup server on a different port when the first client connects. This behavior shouldn't repeat when the second client connects. Also the backup server should be closed when the last client disconnects.
How can I implement this behavior? Currently I am running a batch file before the reactor starts running. But the issue is that this would spawn an infinite loop. But I pass an argument that can stop it. However this means that when the main server goes down and the backup server is accepting clients then there are backup servers left.


  • You need to hook the connectionMade and connectionLost events of your twisted protocol. Inside these, you can implement your business logic.

    Take a look at the following events:

    from twisted.internet.protocol import Factory
    from twisted.protocols.basic import LineReceiver
    from twisted.internet import reactor
    class Protocol(LineReceiver):
        def __init__(self, factory):
            self.factory = factory
        def connectionMade(self):
            print('Client added. count:', len(self.factory.clients))
        def connectionLost(self, reason):
            print('Client removed. count:', len(self.factory.clients))
        def lineReceived(self, line):
    class MyFactory(Factory):
        def __init__(self):
            self.clients = set()
        def buildProtocol(self, addr):
            return Protocol(self)
    reactor.listenTCP(1520, MyFactory())

    You can test this server with telnet:

    telnet 1520