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SettingsFlyout for UWP (Windows 10)

I am currently developing a UWP(windows 10) application, and I am stuck with developing a setting panel for my application.

I understand that there is no more SettingsFlyout like this for UWP windows 10

Settings flyout

However, I really like the look and feel of it. Hence, is there any ways I could develop a settingsflyout of uwp?


  • You can use the SplitView control and set its DisplayMode property to Overlay and the PanePlacement property to Right.

    <SplitView x:Name="SV_SettingsMenu"
                <Button Content="Button 1" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch"/>
                <Button Content="Button 2" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch"/>
                <Button Content="Button 3" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch"/>
        <StackPanel Padding="10">
            <Button Click="ToggleSettings">
                <SymbolIcon Symbol="Setting"/>
            <TextBlock Text="Content"/>
    private void ToggleSettings(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        SV_SettingsMenu.IsPaneOpen = !SV_SettingsMenu.IsPaneOpen;
