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Converting this text to jsonb?

I have this text:


I want to convert it to a jsonb like this:


How do I do this?


  • Assuming that you want to convert the value of a text column into a separate jsonb column, you can use functions substring and replace, and cast the result to jsonb as follows:

    INSERT INTO my_table (id, text_col, jsonb_col) VALUES
      (1, '("{""A"":""0/000"",""B"":2}")', null);
    UPDATE my_table SET
      jsonb_col = replace(substring(text_col, '{.*}'), '""', '"')::jsonb
    WHERE id = 1;
    SELECT id, text_col, jsonb_col FROM my_table WHERE id = 1;
     id |             text_col          |          jsonb_col          
      1 | ("{""A"":""0/000"",""B"":2}") | {"A": "0/000", "B": 2}
    (1 row)