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Deploying AppEngine to a different project with Spinnaker

I would like to know if there's any way to deploy an App Engine application to a diferent Google Cloud Platform project with Spinnaker. I've done de codelab for deploying an App Engine, but within the same project. I also noticed that Spinnaker runs the command to deploy to App Engine with the "projectid" param, like this:

gcloud app deploy /var/tmp/clouddriver/ --version=codelab-default-v000 --no-promote --no-stop-previous-version --project=gnp-central

Is there any way to customize the params for project and account?

I'm also trying to find inside the code where culd i modify this, so far, without success


  • I don't think that is possible, because of this note in the Account section from the Google App Engine doc:


    A Spinnaker account maps to a single App Engine application, a top-level resource that contains services, versions, and instances. Spinnaker authenticates itself with App Engine using service account credentials for a Google Cloud Platform project - see the setup guide.

    If I interpret this correctly you'd need to use a different Spinnaker account to deploy to a different cloud project/application.