I am trying to create an x86_64 assembly program that displays "SIGTERM received" whenever the SIGTERM
signal is sent. My application is using Linux syscalls directly:
%define sys_write 0x01
%define sys_rt_sigaction 0x0d
%define sys_pause 0x22
%define sys_exit 0x3c
%define SIGTERM 0x0f
%define STDOUT 0x01
; Definition of sigaction struct for sys_rt_sigaction
struc sigaction
.sa_handler resq 1
.sa_flags resq 1
.sa_restorer resq 1
.sa_mask resq 1
section .data
; Message shown when a syscall fails
error_msg db 'syscall error', 0x0a
error_msg_len equ $ - error_msg
; Message shown when SIGTERM is received
sigterm_msg db 'SIGTERM received', 0x0a
sigterm_msg_len equ $ - sigterm_msg
section .bss
act resb sigaction_size
val resd 1
section .text
global _start
; Initialize act
lea rax, [handler]
mov [act + sigaction.sa_handler], rax
; Set the handler
mov rax, sys_rt_sigaction
mov rdi, SIGTERM
lea rsi, [act]
mov rdx, 0x00
mov r10, 0x08
; Ensure the syscall succeeded
cmp rax, 0
jne error
; Pause until a signal is received
mov rax, sys_pause
; Upon success, jump to exit
jmp exit
; Display an error message
mov rax, sys_write
mov rdi, STDOUT
mov rsi, error_msg
mov rdx, error_msg_len
; Set the return value to one
mov dword [val], 0x01
; Terminate the application gracefully
mov rax, sys_exit
mov rdi, [val]
; Display a message
mov rax, sys_write
mov rdi, STDOUT
mov rsi, sigterm_msg
mov rdx, sigterm_msg_len
When I run the application, it hangs (as expected) at the sys_pause
syscall but when I send the SIGTERM
signal, it crashes with a segmentation fault.
So I loaded the application into GDB to figure out what was happening:
(gdb) break _start
Breakpoint 1 at 0x4000b0
(gdb) run
Starting program: [...]
Breakpoint 1, 0x00000000004000b0 in _start ()
(gdb) info proc
process 9639
(gdb) continue
The GDB session hung and I then opened another terminal and ran kill SIGTERM 9639
. This resulted in the following output:
Program received signal SIGTERM, Terminated.
0x00000000004000ec in _start ()
I then ran:
(gdb) disas _start
Dump of assembler code for function _start:
0x00000000004000b0 <+0>: lea 0x400123,%rax
0x00000000004000b8 <+8>: mov %rax,0x600160
0x00000000004000c0 <+16>: mov $0xd,%eax
0x00000000004000c5 <+21>: mov $0xf,%edi
0x00000000004000ca <+26>: lea 0x600160,%rsi
0x00000000004000d2 <+34>: mov $0x0,%edx
0x00000000004000d7 <+39>: mov $0x8,%r10d
0x00000000004000dd <+45>: syscall
0x00000000004000df <+47>: cmp $0x0,%rax
0x00000000004000e3 <+51>: jne 0x4000ee <error>
0x00000000004000e5 <+53>: mov $0x22,%eax
0x00000000004000ea <+58>: syscall
=> 0x00000000004000ec <+60>: jmp 0x400114 <exit>
End of assembler dump.
Then I continued the application:
(gdb) continue
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00000000004000ec in _start ()
The signal handler is never invoked and the application has crashed.
What am I doing wrong?
There were two corrections that needed to be made before the application worked correctly.
Jester pointed me to this answer which mentioned that the kernel requires the sa_restorer
member of sigaction
to be filled in.
Fixing this required defining SA_RESTORER
%define SA_RESTORER 0x04000000
...and initializing the sa_restorer
and sa_flags
mov [act + sigaction.sa_flags], dword SA_RESTORER
lea rax, [restorer]
mov [act + sigaction.sa_restorer], rax
I then added an empty stub for the restorer
At this point, the handler was invoked without error but the application was still crashing...
Apparently, the sa_restorer
function needs to invoke the sys_rt_sigreturn
syscall. This required defining sys_rt_sigreturn
%define sys_rt_sigreturn 0x0f
The restorer
function was then modified:
; return from the signal handler
mov rax, sys_rt_sigreturn
At this point, the application ran without crashing.