I have a dummy question... (complete noobie on frontend side)
I am building a small CRUD project with Angular 4 and TypeScript where I make calls to an API in order to get and update phone numbers based on an id.
The phone number which I get from the service is pretty standard and divided in 3 parts:
But in the UI, I have actually two input fields - one for country code and predial together and a second one for the actual number. To visualize this, if the phone number I get from user is +445551234567
when I am editing it, I have two input fields with +44555
and 1234567
In other words, I have to map the country code + predial together in the UI in my edit page and also when I make the update call back to the API, I need to be able to map it again to 3 variables.
In ideal world, I would map this in my service, but that's unfortunately not possible due to other restrictions.
So I have these models/interfaces:
export interface Contacts {
email: string;
phoneNumber: PhoneNumber;
faxNumber: PhoneNumber;
export interface PhoneNumber {
countryCode: string;
predial: string;
number: string;
And then in my Input component I have a form:
this.form = new FormGroup({
phoneCountryCodeAndPredial: new ValidatableFormControl(null, [Validators.required]),
phoneNumber: new ValidatableFormControl(null, [Validators.required]),
faxCountryCodeAndPredial: new ValidatableFormControl(null, [Validators.required]),
faxNumber: new ValidatableFormControl(null, [Validators.required]),
email: new ValidatableFormControl(null, [Validators.pattern(/\S+@\S+\.\S+/)])
And in the html just the phone number for brevity:
<div class="form-group-line">
<input [formControl]="form.controls['phoneCountryCodeAndPredial']" name="countryCodeAndPredial"
<input [formControl]="form.controls['phoneNumber']" name="phoneNumber"
placeholder="Phone Number"
So I want two-way-data binding, that's why I am using the [(ngModel)] banana in the box
, but how do I use two-way-data binding + mapping in the ngModel?
I cannot make a function that combines the country code and predial together and pass the value to the ngModel.
So how do I do this mapping in the UI? What is a good practice?
You could split up the ngModel
<text-input [formControl]="form.controls['phoneCountryCodeAndPredial']"
[ngModel]="contacts.phoneNumber.countryCode + contacts.phoneNumber.predial"
(ngModelChange)="Utils.setCombinedNumber(contacts.phoneNumber, $event)"
And then set the correct fields on model change:
setCombinedNumber(phoneNumber: PhoneNumber, combined: string) {
// your actual splitting code here
let pattern = new RegExp(/^(\+\d{2})(\d+)$/);
if (pattern.test(combined)) {
let match = pattern.exec(combined);
phoneNumber.countryCode = match[1];
phoneNumber.predial = match[2];
else {
// do some error handling here? maybe show a toast?