I want to iterate through check boxes to get the caption text from each one. I have this code but it is not working. Could someone tell me whats wrong?
Is that because later in the For
loop I am using $i
to iterate through other things? But it doesn't even run the Send()
command. Does AutoIt increment the $i
variable automatically?
For $i = 1 to 64
If GUICtrlRead("$Checkbox" & $i,0) = $GUI_CHECKED Then
Local $checkboxtext = GUICtrlRead($Checkbox[$i], 1)
Local $checkboxtextsplit = StringSplit( $checkboxtext, "/")
$instanz = $checkboxtextsplit[1]
$favorite = "F" & $checkboxtextsplit[2]
$position = $checkboxtextsplit[3]
;Select actual Instance from Checkbox Name.
If $instanz = "1" Then
Send("{" & $favorite & "}")
I was providing GUICtrlRead()
its parameters the wrong way. Instead of:
If GUICtrlRead("$Checkbox" & $i, 0) = $GUI_CHECKED Then
Local $checkboxtext = GUICtrlRead($Checkbox[$i], 1)
It should be:
If GUICtrlRead($Checkbox & $i, 0) = $GUI_CHECKED Then
Local $checkboxtext = GUICtrlRead($Checkbox & $i, 1)
To retrieve a Checkbox checked/un-checked state use:
If GUICtrlRead($Checkbox & $i, 0) = $GUI_CHECKED Then ...
To read text of a Checkbox use:
$checkboxtext = GUICtrlRead($Checkbox & $i, 1)