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Camel, variables in SQL-Component

I have a blueprint in which i'm trying to write stuff to SQL (camel sql). I can't seem to extract the variables that I want to use:

 <to id="myid" uri="sql:insert into RESTORE_DATA (feedFrom, queueId) values ('${headers.RESTORE_MESSAGEID}', '${headers.RESTORE_DEST}')?dataSource=myDataSource"/>

The variables from the header can't be resolved. I can see the real values if i use a log:

<log message="dest = ${headers.RESTORE_DEST}" loggingLevel="INFO"/>

What syntax should I use? Why do these variables start with '$' ?


  • Read the documentation, which shows you need to use syntax :#${}:


    <to id="myid" uri="sql:insert into RESTORE_DATA (feedFrom, queueId) values (':#${headers.RESTORE_MESSAGEID}', ':#${headers.RESTORE_DEST}')?dataSource=myDataSource"/>

    Also the title of this question is misleading