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Prolog: DCGS - Converting numbers to English

I'm practicing using DCGs in Prolog. I take an integer like 123, 'explode' it into a list i.e. [1,2,3] and then I want to use DCG rules to get the output one-two-three. So far I can convert a list of one integer e.g. [1] into one but I don't know what to do when it comes to a list. I want to use DCGs as much as possible really as this is what I am practicing. Here's my current code:

tests( 1, [1] ).
tests( 2, [67] ).
tests( 3, [183] ).
tests( 4, [999] ).  

numToEng( N, Res ) :-
    tests( N, W ),
    print( 'test: ' ),print( W ),nl,
    explode( W, Exploded ),
    print( 'exploded: ' ),print( Exploded ),nl,
    phrase( num(Res), Exploded ).

explode( N, Explosion ) :-
    explode( N, [], Explosion ).
explode( 0, Explosion, Explosion ) :- !.    
explode( N, Inter, Explosion ) :- 
    Test is N mod 10, 
    NewN0 is  N - Test,
    NewN1 is NewN0//10, 
    explode( NewN1, [Test|Inter], Explosion ).

num( X ) --> digit( X ).    

digit(zero) --> [0].
digit(one) --> [1].
digit(two) --> [2].
digit(three) --> [3].
digit(four) --> [4].
digit(five) --> [5].
digit(six) --> [6].
digit(seven) --> [7].
digit(eight) --> [8].
digit(nine) --> [9].

A possible solution WITHOUT using DCGs is what I've written before but I'm wondering how to write it using DCGs.

% test cases, called by numToEng/2
tests( 1, [1] ).
tests( 2, [67] ).
tests( 3, [183] ).
tests( 4, [999] ).

% dictionary

% take an integer e.g. 123 and explode it
% into a list i.e. [1,2,3]
explode( N, Explosion ) :-
    explode( N, [], Explosion ).
explode( 0, Explosion, Explosion ) :- !.    
explode( N, Inter, Explosion ) :- 
    Test is N mod 10, 
    NewN0 is  N - Test,
    NewN1 is NewN0//10, 
    explode( NewN1, [Test|Inter], Explosion ).

% take a number in digits and convert it
% into english e.g. [1,2,3] would be
% [one,two,three]   
numToEng( N, Res ) :-
    tests( N, Test ),
    explode( Test, Exploded ),
    numToEng( N, Exploded, [], Res ).
numToEng( _, [], Rev, Res ) :-
    reverse( Rev, Res ).
numToEng( N, [H|T], Inter, Res ) :-
    digit( H, Word ),
    numToEng( N, T, [Word|Inter], Res ).


  • digits([]) --> [].
    digits([D|Ds]) --> digit(D), digits(Ds).


    ?- explode(123,X), digits(Digits,X,[]).
    X = [1, 2, 3],
    Digits = [one, two, three]