I would like use of regex to remove string after some special symbols on last occurrence. i.e. I am having string
Hello, How are you ? this, is testing
then I need output like this
Hello, How are you ? this
and these will be my special symbols , : |
Why bother with a regex when normal string operations are perfectly fine?
EDIT; noticed how it not behave correctly with both :
and ,
in the string.
This code will loop all chars and see which is last and substring it there. If there is no "chars" at all it will set $pos to strings full lenght (output full $str).
$str = "Hello, How are you ? this: is testing";
$chars = [",", "|", ":"];
$pos =0;
foreach($chars as $char){
if(strrpos($str, $char)>$pos) $pos = strrpos($str, $char);
if($pos == 0) $pos=strlen($str);
echo substr($str, 0, $pos);