I want to add a textbox to a plot in which a number is displayed in scientific notation. Here my code:
fano = 74585849.3443;
annotation('String',['fano =',num2str(fano)],'FitBoxToText','on');
Here fano is displayed as decimal number. How can I change the format to scientific notation?
You can just create the desired string with the function sprintf. Here are three examples with a different number of decimal places printed. When formatting the text with %M.Nd, M specifies the field width, N the precision (number of decimal places) and d means decimal (signed). Below are three different examples with 2, 5 and 8 decimal places. dim is an array with the location and size of the textbox in normalized units with respect to the figure size, formatted as [x_location y_location width height]. In your case width and height don't matter, since you are using the 'FitBoxToText' property.
fano = 74585849.3443;
x = 0:0.01:10;
y = sin(2*pi*1*x);
dim = [.5 .85 .0 .0];
str = sprintf('fano = %0.2d',fano);
dim = [.5 .65 .0 .0];
str = sprintf('fano = %0.5d',fano);
dim = [.5 .45 .0 .0];
str = sprintf('fano = %0.8d',fano);
Here is the output: