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Self Hosted ASP.NET Core 2.0: TagHelper doesnt work

I have ASP.NET Core 2.0 website, which is hosted in a .NET Core console / service. I have implemented a easy custom TagHelper. The TagHelper works fine, when I started the ASP.NET Core website directly from VS2017. When i start the .NET Core console host, which has hosted the page, the tag helper doesnt work.

I have try to register the TagHelper in the _ViewImports.cshtml and also directly in the view as self (Home/Index).

My custom TagHelper:

public class TimeTagHelper : TagHelper
    public override async Task ProcessAsync(TagHelperContext context, TagHelperOutput output)


@using SelfHosted.Website
@addTagHelper *, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers
@addTagHelper SelfHosted.Website.TagHelpers.*, SelfHosted.Website

The TimeTagHelper intellisense in VS2017 work fine: TimeTagHelper in Index.cshtml

The code is on GitHub. The TagHelper is implemented in SelfHosted.Website and used in /Home/Index. It works perfect when the SelfHosted.Website started directly. But it doesnt work, when i start the Website from SelfHostes.Console.


  • Ok ... I found the answer and documented here.