I am able to use Messenger webviews on the IOS Messenger app (configured as described in the documentation), but in the desktop browser the webViews always open in a new page.
Am I doing something wrong, or does Messenger in desktop web browsers simply not support the webview display modes like "compact" or "tall"?
As of today, it is now doable. To make a pop-up webview instead of opening a new tab, you will need to:
1) Set up proper X-Frame-Options HTTP response header to allow your pages within an iframe.
2) If the webview is to be opened from the persistent menu, you will need to set the value of the property "messenger_extensions" of the "menu_item" object to true.
https://developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger-platform/webview/extensions https://developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger-platform/reference/messenger-profile-api/persistent-menu