I have One Initializer method in my Swift file like below:
public init(frame: CGRect, type: NVActivityIndicatorType? = nil, color: UIColor? = nil, padding: CGFloat? = nil) {
self.type = type ?? NVActivityIndicatorView.DEFAULT_TYPE
self.color = color ?? NVActivityIndicatorView.DEFAULT_COLOR
self.padding = padding ?? NVActivityIndicatorView.DEFAULT_PADDING
super.init(frame: frame)
isHidden = true
I want to call this method from my Objective-C
file but it's throwing error while compiling.
/Users/Desktop/old data/ChatScreenViewController.m:396:92: No visible @interface for 'NVActivityIndicatorView' declares the selector 'initWithFrame:type:color:padding:'
Obj-C calling code:
NVActivityIndicatorView *objNVActivityIndicatorView = [[NVActivityIndicatorView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 100, 100) type:NVActivityIndicatorTypeLineScalePulseOut color:[UIColor blueColor] padding:10]
What I tried:
Added @objc
in my Swift class
@objc public final class NVActivityIndicatorView: UIView
Still can't able to access the above method.
My Swift file: NVActivityIndicatorView.swift
What's going wrong?
To be accessible and usable in Objective-C, a Swift class must be a descendant of an Objective-C class or it must be marked @objc.
And also this answer.
This apple doc will also help you understand.
So the options for you is to either inherit the class of yours from some Objective C class (In this case compiler adds @objc
) or add @objc
yourself to your class.
You also need to add to your Objective C class-
#import "<#ProjectName#>-Swift.h"
Real solution to this specific question
Please look at this question, you will get your solution yourself. :)
That question says that optional parameters
can't be exposed from Swift to Objective C as all parmeters become _Nonnull
So I think you will need to create another initializer without optionals and default parameters.