I have no idea how i can pass an array of object in Restangular. I've read their documentation. I found that they provided such as customGET, customPOST etc. But, i didn't see the right example that related to my case. For now, i want it to get data from an API that needs params as its filter.
1) Params
var filter = {
category: 1,
page: 1,
product: 20,
price_range: ['bt',1,150]
2) Services
getRawList: function(filter) {
return rawProducts.customGET('',filter).then(function(response) {
return response;
What i got was an Internal Server Error. Any idea how to tackle this error ?
When sending data to a web server, the data has to be a string. So, on this situation i need to convert the array property to string (which is price_range) before send it to the server as filter. This code solved my question.
getRawList: function(filter) {
return rawProducts.customGET('',{
category: filter.category,
page: filter.page,
product: filter.product,
price_range: JSON.stringify(filter.price_range)
}).then(function(response) {
return response;