I'm trying to make a Webapp with react using Semantic Ui components. However, I'm really struggling to make the main content component take up the full-size of the screen (see image). I want the main content component to fill up the rest of the space but it seems like it's only taking up as much space as it needs to. Ultimately I want to be able to have the sidebar sticky and only scroll the main content
render() {
const { visible } = this.state
return (
<Button onClick={this.toggleVisibility}>Toggle Visibility</Button>
<Sidebar.Pushable as={Segment}>
<Sidebar as={Menu} animation='push' width='thin' visible={visible} icon='labeled' vertical inverted>
<Menu.Item name='home'>
<Icon name='home' />
<Menu.Item name='gamepad'>
<Icon name='gamepad' />
<Menu.Item name='camera'>
<Icon name='camera' />
<Segment basic>
<Header as='h3'>Application Content</Header>
<Image src='/assets/images/wireframe/paragraph.png' />
I've tried to apply the style inline {height:100%}
to everything from within the up the hierarchy to the root component but nothing seems to make it fill the rest of the page. I know that this seems like such a simple problem, but I'm stuck haha. Any ideas?
Cheers desired outcome
The sidebar will take the same height as its enclosing div. It looks like you want the content to stretch to exactly 100% of the viewport. If this is the case, you can set height on the enclosing div to '100vh'.
<div style={{height: '100vh'}} />
If you want the height to possibly go beyond, you can set min-height to '100vh'.
<div style={{minHeight: '100vh'}} />
If you want it to just take up the rest of the page before or after some other content, you can do the following:
<div style={{minHeight: '100vh', display: 'flex', flexFlow: 'column nowrap'}}>
<div>Content Before</div>
<div style={{flex: 1}}>
Main Content with Sidebar
<div>Content After</div>