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Running bash on heroku won't work

I am trying to run bash on heroku to test it out and it is failing

 $ heroku run bash
 ▸    Error: No app specified
 ▸    Usage: heroku run --app APP
 ▸    We don't know which app to run this on.
 ▸    Run this command from inside an app folder or specify which app to use with --app APP

 $ heroku run --app bash
 ▸    Usage: heroku run COMMAND
 ▸    Example: heroku run bash

So, the example says heroku run bash will work but it doesn't. I have no dynos running. I feel I am missing something basic here...


  • Try run commands:

    First you need to login, then you to see your apps and finally run bash

    heroku login

    Insert you user and password

    heroku apps
    === Apps

    then look at the list apps and write

    heroku run bash --app myaplication