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How do I control the order of ExpandableObject properties in the winforms property grid?

I have classes like:

public class Inner
   public string Before{get;set}
   public string After(get;set}

public class Outer
    public Inner Inner {get;set}

myPropertygrid.SelectedObject = new Outer();

I wish the properties of “inner” to be displayed as “Before”, “After”, the property grid seems to put them in alphabetically order and hence display them as “After”, “Before”


  • I do not like this solution but it seems to work:

    Create a sub class of “PropertyDescriptorCollection” with all “Sort” methods override just to return “this”. So whenever the property grid calls sort to change the order of the properties, nothing happens.

    Create a subclass of “ExpandableObjectConverter” that have the “GetProperties” method overridden to return an instance of “NoneSortingPropertyDescriptorCollection” with the properties in the correct order.

    Use the [TypeConverterAttribute(typeof(MyExpandableObjectConverter))] to get your subclass of ExpandableObjectConverter used.

    public class NoneSortingPropertyDescriptorCollection : PropertyDescriptorCollection
        public NoneSortingPropertyDescriptorCollection(PropertyDescriptor[] propertyDescriptors)
            : base(propertyDescriptors)
        public override PropertyDescriptorCollection Sort()
            return this;
        public override PropertyDescriptorCollection Sort(string[] names)
            return this;
        public override PropertyDescriptorCollection Sort(string[] names, System.Collections.IComparer comparer)
            return this;
        public override PropertyDescriptorCollection Sort(System.Collections.IComparer comparer)
            return this;
    public class MyExpandableObjectConverter : ExpandableObjectConverter
        public override PropertyDescriptorCollection GetProperties(ITypeDescriptorContext context, object value, Attribute[] attributes)
            PropertyDescriptorCollection d = base.GetProperties(context, value, attributes);
            List<PropertyDescriptor> props = new List<PropertyDescriptor>();
            props.Add(d.Find("Before", false));
            props.Add(d.Find("After", false));
            NoneSortingPropertyDescriptorCollection m = new NoneSortingPropertyDescriptorCollection(props.ToArray());
            return m;
    public class Inner      
       public string Before{get;set}        
       public string After(get;set}      