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Plotting a dataset with condition over a column in gnuplot

I would like to plot the following dataset.

|   time_stamp_0|sender_ip_1|receiver_ip_2|count|rank|  xi|                  pi|                  r| ip5| ip4| ip3| ip2|            variance|             entropy|    pre_chi_square|          chi_square| total_chi_square|attack|
|10:37:37.000985||| 9345|   1|1796|1.070090957731407...|0.19218833600856072|1211|1157|4812|1796|6.982982177427692E-5|9.783410080138751E-4|3.3954177346722574|0.001890544395697248|13.58167093868903|     1|
|10:37:37.000995||| 9345|   2|1796|2.140181915462814...|0.19218833600856072|1211|1157|4812|1796|3.497253089848578...|0.001808335909968907| 17.00510593066335|0.009468321787674473|13.58167093868903|     1|
|10:37:37.001002||| 9345|   3|1796|3.210272873194221...|0.19218833600856072|1211|1157|4812|1796|8.436389877417202E-4| 0.00258233850119472|41.021252923981834|0.022840341271704808|13.58167093868903|     1|

I need to have a plot that shows me the "rank" over the "time_stamp_0" only for sender_ip_1="". I have the following code:

set timefmt '%H:%M:%S'
set xdata time
set format x '%H:%M:%S'
//I have a problem with the below code
plot  "test.txt" using 1:($2==""?$5:1/0)

However the plotted graph is not correct. In fact, it seems that, no filtering applies on the data and the graph is as same as the graph without filtering!

I should mention that, the dataframe is inside a file (test.txt) and it does't have any header.

Can you please help me?


  • Use eq for string equality checking and strcol to get the string value of a column:

    plot  "test.txt" using 1:(strcol(2) eq "" ? $5 : 1/0)