I'm updating an existing project which has worked fine for years to High Sierra. The view loads correctly and looks as it always has:
Then, after I open a popup and close it again, the view moves things around, flips things, and generally looks very crazy:
Notice the Info title drops to the bottom, the left side text items reverse order, and the date and dropdown text flip. Mouse interaction seems very scrambled as well when this happens.
I'm not sure where to even start with solving this one, anyone have any ideas?
This is using xcode 9 beta 5 and High Sierra Beta 6.
Update: This is also in xcode 9 GM and High Sierra GM Seed
I have determined this happens when I call reloadData on the NSTableView that this view is within. So the question now seems to be how to refresh the table data without it going wonky.
It seems that reloadData and also reloadDataForRowIndexes:columnIndexes: both produce odd behavior in High Sierra. My way around this is as follows:
-(void)refreshAllCells {
NSMutableIndexSet* rowIndexes = [[NSMutableIndexSet alloc] init];
if (self.myTable.numberOfRows != 0)
[rowIndexes addIndexesInRange:NSMakeRange(0, (self.myTable.numberOfRows))];
[self.myTable removeRowsAtIndexes:rowIndexes withAnimation:NO];
[self.myTable insertRowsAtIndexes:rowIndexes withAnimation:NO];
If there is a better answer I would still love to see it.