I try to use the dataprocessor from TYPO3 8 to make my menu.
I have this code in my TypoScript script:
page = PAGE
10 {
file = fileadmin/abis/templates/BootstrapTmpl.html
partialRootPath = fileadmin/abis/Partials/
layoutRootPath = fileadmin/abis/Layouts/
dataProcessing {
10 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\MenuProcessor
10 {
entryLevel= 0
excludeUidList = 27,30,31
levels = 5
#includeSpacer = 1
titleField = nav_title // title
as = huhu
And this one in a section:
<f:section name="myMenu" >
<f:debug title="title">{huhu}</f:debug>
<f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="obj.logo" />
<ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-left">
<f:for each="{huhu}" as="menuItem">
<f:if condition="menuItem.subItems">
<f:render section="myMenu" arguments="{myMenu: menuItem.subItems}" />
My HTML output is empty. The variable {huhu} is empty. And I don't know why. Does anybody have an idea?
Try to put your dataProcessing into page.10
page = PAGE
page {
10 {
file = fileadmin/abis/templates/BootstrapTmpl.html
partialRootPath = fileadmin/abis/Partials/
layoutRootPath = fileadmin/abis/Layouts/
dataProcessing {
10 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\MenuProcessor
10 {
entryLevel= 0
excludeUidList = 27,30,31
levels = 5
#includeSpacer = 1
titleField = nav_title // title
as = huhu