Learning AppleScript I'm trying to practice and I wanted to see if I could get the count of a class in an .xhtml
In my BBEdit project I set a variable for the project with:
set this_project to file of project document 1
made sure to target all the .xhtml
files with:
set total_xhtml to {search mode:grep, case sensitive:false, match words:false, extend selection:false, returning results:true, filter:{ID:"111232452", filter_mode:and_mode, filter_terms:{{operand:"xhtml", field:«constant ****FnSf», operator:op_is_equal}}}}
but when I try to count the class for each file I'm stumped..
I did try:
set varCount to count class=\"foobar\"" of (this_project in total_xhtml)
If I try set varCount to count class=\"foobar\""
it returns a number in the AppleScript Editor but how can I get the full count for each file in a project?
Just realized I never accepted an answer to my question and I wanted to close out this Q&A. I didn't choose the provided answer because text item delimiters
were firing an incorrect count from the file and I wanted an approach that didn't call on a do shell
In AppleScript and BBEdit if you reference the Dictionary there is FIND
and with a repeat loop I was able to step through each occurrence of class="foobar"
## beginning of file
select insertion point before first character of text document text document 1
set countClass to 0
## find pattern
set findClass to find "class=\"foobar\"" searching in text 1 of text document text document 1 options {options} with selecting match
## exit after no more patterns
if not found of findClass then exit repeat
## increment for every occurrence
set countClass to countClass + 1
end repeat
## return total count of pattern
return countClass
With the above repeat I was able to step through each file and total up every occurrence of class foobar
. Hope this helps the next person.