While writing tests I'm confronted with the following exception:
java.lang.ClassCastException: codegen.java.lang.Object$MockitoMock$641592186 cannot be cast to cats.effect.IO (MyRepositorySpec.scala:19)
Which occurs when running this test code with specs2
class MyRepositorySpec extends Specification with Mockito with TestData {
val m = mock[MyDAO[IO]].smart
m.createTable returns IO { Right[Throwable, Int](1) } // <- this is line 19
val r = new MyRepository[IO](m)
r.setup.unsafeRunSync() must beNone
looks like this:
class MyDAO[M[_] : Monad](val transactor: Transactor[M])(implicit val AE: ApplicativeError[M, Throwable]) extends DataAccessObject[M, MyObject]
and the DataAccessObject
like this:
trait DataAccessObject[M[_], T <: Entity]
I'm at a loss how to fix/correctly implement this. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
class IOMyDAO(override val transactor: Transactor[IO]) extends MyDAO[IO](transactor)
val m = mock[IOMyDAO].smart
Based on this answer.
You should try to use org.mockito.Mockito#when
instead of specs2
s internal metod matching functionality:
when(m.createTable) thenReturn IO { Right[Throwable, Int](1) }
instead of
m.createTable returns IO { Right[Throwable, Int](1) }