What is typically failing when numpy einsum throws the error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "rmse_iter.py", line 30, in <module>
rmse_out = np.sqrt(np.einsum('ij,ij->i',diffs,diffs)/3.0)
TypeError: invalid data type for einsum
The numpy array diff
is produced from a subtraction of two pandas dataframes, and contains only numbers of type np.float32
-- no strings, nan, +/-inf, or any other such funny business. So what should I be looking for? Under what circumstances does einsum typically fail this way?
This is how I'm loading and processing the dataframe:
df = pd.read_pickle(fn)
df.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan, inplace=True)
a = df.values
diffs = a[:,2:27] - a[:,27:]
rmse_out = np.sqrt(np.einsum('ij,ij->i',diffs,diffs)/3.0)
Please excuse the open-endedness of the question. Thanks to Divakar for introducing me to einsum wizardry.
here is my attempt at including actual data in tabular form:
rna cnv 1_a 2_a 3_a 4_a 5_a 6_a 7_a 8_a 9_a 10_a 11_a 12_a 13_a 14_a 15_a 16_a 17_a 18_a 19_a 20_a 21_a 22_a 23_a 24_a 25_a 1_b 2_b 3_b 4_b 5_b 6_b 7_b 8_b 9_b 10_b 11_b 12_b 13_b 14_b 15_b 16_b 17_b 18_b 19_b 20_b 21_b 22_b 23_b 24_b 25_b
5641095 AP1G1 CCL8 3.588543653488159 10.119391441345215 32.92853546142578 6.307891368865967 -32.6164665222168 -34.94172286987305 -4.913632869720459
-0.1798282265663147 -0.5144565105438232 12.70481014251709 -37.560791015625 39.83904266357422 32.92853546142578 -0.9303828477859497 -32.6164665222168 -8.661237716674805 31.074113845825195 -0.1798282265663147 -0.5144565105438232 -4.566867828369141 -2.5914463996887207 10.119391441345215 -12.007019996643066 6.307891368865967 -21.65423583984375 -8.217794418334961 2.9316258430480957 27.942243576049805 11.107816696166992 -7.4105706214904785 -1.1366562843322754 17.06450653076172 -7.277851581573486 7.186253547668457 -37.862789154052734 2.21020770072937 -14.829334259033203 5.599830627441406 27.80745506286621 -5.512645244598389 -1.1366562843322754 17.06450653076172 -20.73367691040039 -8.826581001281738 -10.555018424987793 -8.217794418334961
-6.360044956207275 -1.9607794284820557 6.345422267913818 13.062686920166016
5641105 AP1G1 CCND2 2.3494300842285156 10.119391441345215 27.10674476623535 3.8083128929138184 -70.73456573486328 -39.372581481933594 -8.208958625793457
-0.1798282265663147 1.082576036453247 12.70481014251709 -63.872154235839844 39.83904266357422 27.10674476623535 0.01608092524111271 -70.73456573486328 -8.661237716674805 43.937278747558594 -0.1798282265663147 1.082576036453247 -3.672504425048828 -3.3072872161865234 10.119391441345215 -8.377813339233398 3.8083128929138184 -26.24537467956543 -10.137262344360352 2.9316258430480957 15.313714027404785 7.0047502517700195 -12.949808120727539 -2.3481321334838867 12.740055084228516 -3.4322025775909424 8.920576095581055 -62.727718353271484 0.2877853512763977 -19.20431137084961 11.22409725189209 27.80745506286621 -1.9983365535736084 -2.3481321334838867 12.740055084228516 -33.702674865722656 -8.826581001281738 -18.610857009887695 -10.137262344360352
-6.804142475128174 -0.43901631236076355 18.789241790771484 15.554900169372559
5641113 AP1G1 CCNH 4.718714237213135 1230632818573312.0 27.10674476623535 4.7800703048706055 -70.73456573486328 -47.087345123291016 -6.196646690368652
-1.9009416103363037 474487485104128.0 25.461158752441406 -90.02267456054688 39.83904266357422 27.10674476623535 0.7240228652954102 -70.73456573486328 -14.690686225891113 53.84657669067383 -1.9009416103363037 474487485104128.0 -4.566867828369141 -555133515595776.0 1230632818573312.0 -328591573254144.0 4.7800703048706055 -1088045541490688.0 -10.137262344360352 2.9316258430480957 19.262754440307617 11.107816696166992 -12.949808120727539 -2.3481321334838867 17.06450653076172 -7.277851581573486 17.50507164001465 -45.33726501464844 0.9687032103538513 -33.4061164855957 8564995327524864.0 38.147640228271484 -3.5528361797332764 -2.3481321334838867 17.06450653076172 -33.702674865722656 -8.826581001281738 -27.176956176757812 -10.137262344360352
-6.431360721588135 -0.43901631236076355 3244183414374400.0 15.554900169372559
Turns out that extracting values from a df with a = df.values doesn't allow for coersion of strings to np.nan, which were apparently in my original df. This is why my attempt to typecast then slice all those values from the array created from df.values failed -- the items just stayed as "object".
To fix this, I simply selected numeric columns from the original df and sent them to a matrix:
a= df[df.columns[2:]].as_matrix()
Then I made sure to update the indexes in the diff operation, as the column indexes moved back by two:
diffs = a[:,:25] - a[:,25:]
The takeaway: when einsum is behaving badly, look for strings or "objects" in your array that are otherwise not float32 or float64.