When Zabbix graphs show items with missing values, the graph line is shown interrupted:
In my eyes this shall show visually that there aren't any values between 5:25 and 5:55. This seems completely correct.
But I have another graph where the line between the values before and after the gap are displayed connected:
Both graphs are using different items (but in this case the same or similiar values). Both items don't have values from about 5:25 to 5:55. Both graphs are equally configured - as far as I can see...
What is the difference? Why is the second line displayed connected?
I also tried different draw styles (Line, filled region etc.) as described in Zabbix docu Custom graphs - always the same. Zabbix seems to have some other criteria to decide if the graph should be shown connected or interrupted.
This depends on item type, item interval configuration and the graph width.
Note that I said "item interval configuration" - flexible intervals and item scheduling can affect this in other, sometimes quite obscure, ways.