I have a pie chart created dynamically, that uses function createPieChart() described below. When a slice is clicked, I want to call a function to print out the label and value of that slice.
I am facing 2 problems:
These are the other functions:
function createPieChart(data){
slices.splice(0, slices.length) //clear slices array
for (var prop in data) {
slices.unshift(pieserieschart.append(prop, data[prop]));
//I get "Cannot read property 'label' of undefined using this method
//WORKS, but I want to pass the label of that slice (and the value if possible)
//it is not working at all
function sliceClicked(){
console.log("Slice Clicked"); //I cannot see this printed
function mouseHoverSlice(info){
console.log("Slice hover: " + info);
Any idea of how to do it? Thanks!
After upgrade to QtCharts 2.2 I was able to solve it like this: For pie & line & scatter plots, I used onClicked, which returns the slice/point. So you don't need to connect any signal when creating the slices or points dynamically.
For bar charts, I was able to connect the barset created
var barvalues = barserieschart.append("label",values)
ChartView {
PieSeries {id: pieserieschart; onClicked: sliceClicked(slice) }
BarSeries {id: barserieschart }
ScatterSeries{id: scatterserieschart; onClicked: scatterclicked(point)}