My string like :
Apple recipe recapes
Mango Tengaer
Lemone T U
Grapes limoenis Steyic genteur
So what i tried is :
if let bakery = filtered?[indexPath.row]{
let stringInput = bakery.fruitsname
let stringInputArr = stringInput.components(separatedBy: " ")
var stringNeed = ""
for string in stringInputArr {
stringNeed = stringNeed + String(string.characters.first!)
print(stringNeed) // have to print first word first letter, second word second letter
But for me crash on this line when i do for my 3rd Lemone T U
words.On this line:
stringNeed = stringNeed + String(string.characters.first!)
Any help !!
Output i expect as per my above words
Try this. It separates the string into array of string and removes nil. So if the string has double space it filters that. Make sure that the string has minimum 2 words.
if let bakery = filtered?[indexPath.row]{
let stringInput = bakery.fruitsname
if stringInput.components(separatedBy: " ").count >= 2 {
let stringNeed = (stringInput.components(separatedBy: " ").map({ $0.characters.first }).flatMap({$0}).reduce("", { String($0) + String($1) }) as NSString).substring(to: 2)