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DNS hosted zone not taking effect - AWS Route53

I have recently transferred my domain name from to AWS.

I have the following set-up in Route53:

Route53 Hosted Zone set-up

For some reason, none of my records (SOA, NS and A) have had any effect. does not map to, nor does it even look at the name server (I tested it with this tool)

Have I set up my hosted zone incorrectly, should I somehow publish it, or is the issue with

If someone could point me in the right direction to troubleshoot it would be greatly appreciated.


  • Figured it out in the end…

    For a name server to be associated with a Route53 hosted zone, do the following:

    1. Create a Hosted zone for your domain name. Note the NS record.
    2. Go to Registered Domains > > Add or edit name servers > Add the name servers from step 1.

    Select your registered domain on AWS Route53 Edit name servers

    When transferring a domain to AWS, it keeps the old NS record. Make sure to change it as per step 2.