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WordPress test environment keeps redirecting to live

WordPress is new for me. I want to fix a bug in a WordPress site for a client. Tries to setup a test environment using Scotch Box, but the website keeps redirecting to the live environment. I have tried the following

  1. Changed 'siteurl' and 'home' in the db to the new URl.
  2. Tried the same with DEFINE in wp-config:

  3. I even put a die(); in the index.php file, which it apparently doesn't even reach as it is still redirecting.

  4. Searched all the code in the website to look for a hardcoded redirect somewhere. There was none.
  5. Looked for a .htaccess file, there is none.
  6. Looked at a lot of Stack Overflow questions that all suggested the above methods.

I do not really understand how this is possible. Is there anything else I should try? Btw, the website is using the 'Maxima Theme'.


  • Solved it, chrome was redirecting the ip.. Worked with another browser and now works with Chrome after clearing the browser data.