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Add exception handling in http4s with rho

I'm using http4s & rho (mainly for Swagger integration)

My services are using this DAO object, that methods that can throw Exceptions (fail the Task)

case class BasicMatchDao() {
 def readAll(): Task[List[BasicMatch]] ="readAll")) 
 def read(id: String): Task[Option[BasicMatch]] = readQuery(id).option.transact(xa)

In my RhoService I can handle these like

private def exceptionToJson(t: Throwable):Json = Json.obj("error" -> t.getMessage.asJson)

val rhoService = new RhoService {
   GET / path |>> { (request: Request) =>
     Ok( {
        case t:ActionNotImplemented => NotImplemented(exceptionToJson(t))
        case t:Throwable => InternalServerError(exceptionToJson(t))

This way I make sure that whatever I return, it's always a Json

Since I don't want to pollute every RhoRoute with a similar errorhandling I want to do something which is possible with the default http4s.dsl, but I can't seem to get working with rho:

1. Create default error handler

e.g. add


private def errorHandler(): PartialFunction[Throwable, Task[Response]] = {
      case t:ActionNotImplemented => NotImplemented(exceptionToJson(t))
      case t:Throwable => InternalServerError(exceptionToJson(t))

This will fail because NotImplemented is not a Response (I can call .pure on these to make type checking work) But then the code will compile, but I get this exception:

Cannot convert from fs2.Task[Product with Serializable] to an Entity, because no EntityEncoder[fs2.Task[Product with Serializable]] instance could be found. Ok(

2. Add errorhandler to each RhoRoute

After defining the rhoRoute I'd like to map over it and add the errorhandler to each route, so do something at the r that let's me add the 'handleWith' somewhere (below will not work)

 new RhoService(

If I can't get this to work, I'll probably move back to the default dsl, but I really liked rho


  • So Part 1 is fixed for now. Defining the Task as Task[BaseResult] instead of Task[Response] will work

    import org.http4s.rho.Result.BaseResult
    val errorHandler: PartialFunction[Throwable, Task[BaseResult]] = {
        case t:ActionNotImplemented => NotImplemented(exceptionToJson(t))
        case t:Throwable => InternalServerError(exceptionToJson(t))

    I'm looking into part 2 as well. All help is welcome :-)