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Gnuplot group by days

Is it possible to plot one bar per each day, where day value consists of sum of all values in the given day? And if yes, is it possible to divide each "sum" bar into its sum components?

Let the data be

2017-09-25 13:56:51 10
2017-09-25 13:56:53 20
2017-09-25 19:20:53 30
2017-09-26 11:56:53 40
2017-09-26 13:17:02 20
2017-09-27 12:56:53 10
2017-09-28 09:56:54 30
2017-09-28 23:56:54 50

And the desired output

80                                           B
70                                           B
60       C           B                       B
50       C           B                       B
40       C           A                       B
30       B           A                       A
20       B           A                       A
10       A           A           A           A
 0   2017-09-25  2017-09-26  2017-09-27  2017-09-28

The colors do not have to be same across all columns, it is just for separating the sum components.

So far I have managed to plot just the bars, each per record:

set title "Durations sum per day"
unset multiplot
set xdata time
set style data boxes
set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
set format x "%m-%d\n%H:%M"
set xlabel "Day"
set ylabel "Duration sum"
set autoscale y
plot "my-data" using 1:3 t "duration [s]" with impulses linewidth 10


  • You simply ignore the time for your plot and only use the date

    plot dataf us (timecolumn(1,"%Y-%m-%d")):3 smooth freq with imp

    and in the other case this should work

    stats dataf us (timecolumn(1,"%Y-%m-%d"))
    set style histogram columnstacked
    plot for [i=STATS_min:STATS_max:60*60*24] dataf us (timecolumn(1,"%Y-%m-%d")==i?$3:NaN) w imp lw 10 title strftime("%Y-%m-%d",i)

    but somehow "columnstacked" does not work with "plot for []"