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MSFakes Naming Convention to match Generic class?

I have a class called MyClass, and a generic version called MyClass<C>. Using fakes, I want to generate a shim of JUST MyClass<C>, and not MyClass. I originally tried:

<Fakes xmlns="">
  <Assembly Name="XXXX" Version="#.##.###"/>
    <Add FullName="MyClass!"/>

This generated shims for MyClass, but not MyClass<C>. If I change the ! to a *, it does match MyClass<C>. This leads me to believe there is some naming convention I need to use to match MyClass<C>. Does anyone know what it is/where I could find out?


  • You use the grave accent character plus the number of generic type parameters on the type. For example: MyClass<T> would be 1, MyClass<T,U> would be 2, etc. See also CLI specification Section 10.7.2 Type names and arity coding.

    You should also add your namespace as a part of the value.

    <Fakes xmlns="">
      <Assembly Name="XXXX" Version="#.##.###"/>
        <Add FullName="MyNamespace.MyClass`1!"/>