I am using Laravel 5.5 and Dusk 2.0. I have the following html.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<body class="my-body-class" id="my-body-div">
<div class="my-content-class" id="my-content-div">
Content goes here.
Here's my Dusk test.
public function testBasicExample()
$this->browse(function (Browser $browser) {
// $this->assertNotNull($browser->element('.my-body-class'));
If I un-comment the assertion that uses the body class selector, the test fails. Why?
This is because by default prefix is set to body
public function __construct($driver, $prefix = 'body')
$this->driver = $driver;
$this->prefix = trim($prefix);
in Laravel\Dusk\ElementResolver
If you really need to change this (but probably there is no point), you can add the following method into Tests/DuskTestCase
protected function newBrowser($driver)
return new \Laravel\Dusk\Browser($driver, new \Laravel\Dusk\ElementResolver($driver, ''));
This will override default browser and pass empty prefix instead of default body