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Google Picker refuses to load with error "Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'DOMWindow': The target origin provided"

I am trying to load Google Picker.

I am using this npm package

When loading the picker, the auth windows show up, and I can select my Google account.

After auth is done, it tries to open the Google Picker iframe.

It is at this point the iframe fails to load and I get the error

Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'DOMWindow': The target origin provided ('') does not match the recipient window's origin

I have searched this issue and many solutions say make sure to add your domain to the authorized JS origins in google console

I have done this! The domain is definitely in the authorized domains for the client. Google sign in works with my app.. but I just can't seem to get the Picker to work.

I have tried both running from localhost and uploading to the server. But I get the same error.

The server I am using is HTTPS. And the iframe URL for picker is HTTPS too. So this should not be a problem.

What else can I try? I am out of options. I am following the API exactly. I have put in all the right keys.


  • The reason Google Picker was not showing was actually unrelated to the console error.

    Even though the console error appeared, the picker still works.

    But I thought it was not working because I was using the pickadate library which had css that conflicts with Google Picker.

    More info about that issue here: