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Animation script - No module named PyQt4

Hi I tried to use a animation script

free meshcache for maya

# this is the error that I have ( No module named PyQt4 # )

Error: line 1: ImportError: file C:/Users/Lav/Documents/maya/2016/scripts/ line 5: No module named PyQt4 `

#I am using maya 2016 with service pack in window 7 64 bit

Is it possible to change this script, so that everybody can use without dealing with pyqt4 install or others.

If I could use this script, I really appreciate for you.

Thank you guys.


  • In the specific case of that script it should be as easy as replacing:

    from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
    import sip


    from PySide import QtGui, QtCore
    import shiboken

    and then, on line 32, replacing:

    return sip.wrapinstance(long(controlPoniter), QtCore.QObject)


    return shiboken.wrapInstance(long(controlPoniter), QtGui.QWidget)

    Then follow the instructions here (where I assume you got the script) and it should work.

    What I suggested is what I believe the author was doing with the file he mentions, in the page linked above. I downloaded the zipped file from there but couldn't find in there, so you might want to ask the author if he omitted it on purpose (in case he realised that other parts of his script and/or plugin would break in Maya 2016, anyway).