I want to debug my azure bot with botframework emulator.
Whenever I try to connect, the emulator tells me the bot is remote but the callback URL is localhost.
How can I change this?
It also complains about my ngrok settings, but I am fairly sure that everything's allright about them, because I downloaded ngrok and pasted the correct path to the .exe in the settings.
How can I fix this problem?
Note that I finally get an internal server error.
My Settings in the bot Framework page (as suggested by JustAShadow) are:
the URL you entered in the box for URL on the emulator is supposed to be for local debugging. I.E you run your bot locally, get the URL for that local running bot, and add that localhost url to your bot emulator. you are emulating an actual bot in a bot framework inside a bot framework emulator!
The emulator is built in order to emulate the Bot framework ENV, so that when you run your bot locally, it understands the type of environment you should be running under.
I.E if you get DocumentDb emulator, you dont connect it to a real database, its just pretending to be azure, not Debugging Azure