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ASP.NET Boilerplate: What is the best solution for Four eyes principle

I want to add 4 eyes principle to ASP.NET Boilerplate framework. That means every change on Role, User,.. need to be approved (by another admin) before applied to the system. I have searched for some time but no answer. So what is the best solution for this flow?

Can I create the same tables with Abp tables (dbo.AbpUser_Temp, etc) and the all the changes will be stored in these tables? Is there any better solution?

Example: In the application, Admin1 has created a user named User1. But this user cannot login to the application until he was approved by Admin2.


  • Simple Workflows

    Example: In the application, Admin1 has created a user named User1. But this user cannot login to the application until he was approved by Admin2.

    Simple workflows like these can be appropriately handled by a property and a method:

    public class User : AbpUser<User>
        public bool IsApproved { get; set; }
        public void Approve(User approver)
            if (approver.Id != CreatorUserId)
                IsApproved = true;

    Complex Workflows

    Complex workflows like "every change" can do this instead of _Temp tables:

    public abstract class ChangeBase : Entity<long>, IExtendableObject
        public string EntityTypeAssemblyQualifiedName { get; set; }
        public string EntityIdJsonString { get; set; }
        public long ProposerUserId { get; set; }
        public long? ApproverUserId { get; set; }
        public string ExtensionData { get; set; }
    public class Change : ChangeBase
        public Type EntityType => Type.GetType(EntityTypeAssemblyQualifiedName);
        public object EntityId => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(EntityIdJsonString, EntityHelper.GetPrimaryKeyType(EntityType));
        public bool IsApproved => ApproverUserId.HasValue && ApproverUserId != ProposerUserId;
        public IDictionary<string, string> ChangedPropertyValuePairs => JObject.Parse(ExtensionData).ToObject<Dictionary<string, string>>();
        public Change(EntityIdentifier changedEntityIdentifier, long proposerUserId, IDictionary<string, string> changedPropertyValuePairs)
            EntityTypeAssemblyQualifiedName = changedEntityIdentifier.Type.AssemblyQualifiedName;
            EntityIdJsonString = changedEntityIdentifier.Id.ToJsonString();
            ProposerUserId = proposerUserId;
            ExtensionData = JObject.FromObject(changedPropertyValuePairs).ToString(Formatting.None);
        public bool Approve(long approverUserId)
            if (approverUserId != ProposerUserId)
                ApproverUserId = approverUserId;
                return true;
            return false;


    public class UserAppService // ...
        private readonly IRepository<Change, long> _changeRepository;
        public UserAppService(
            IRepository<User, long> repository,
            IRepository<Change, long> changeRepository) // : base(repository)
            _changeRepository = changeRepository;
        public void ChangeUserName(long userId, string newUserName)
            // Validation, etc.
            var changedPropertyValuePairs = new Dictionary<string, string> {
                { nameof(User.UserName), newUserName }
            var change = new Change(
                new EntityIdentifier(typeof(User), userId),
        public void ApproveChange(long changeId)
            // Validation, etc.
            var change = _changeRepository.Get(changeId);
            if (change.EntityType == typeof(User) && change.Approve(AbpSession.GetUserId()))
                var user = Repository.Get((long)change.EntityId);
                var changedPropertyValuePairs = change.ChangedPropertyValuePairs;
                foreach (var changedProperty in changedPropertyValuePairs.Keys)
                    switch (changedProperty)
                        case nameof(User.UserName):
                            user.UserName = changedPropertyValuePairs[changedProperty];
                        // ...