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How to make .bashrc aliases available within a vim shell command? (:!...)

I use bash on mac and one of the aliases is like this

alias gitlog='git --no-pager  log -n 20 --pretty=format:%h%x09%an%x09%ad%x09%s --date=short --no-merges'

However when I do

 :! gitlog

I get

/bin/bash: gitlog: command not found 

I know I can add aliases like this in my .gitconfig

    co = checkout
    st = status
    ci = commit
    br = branch
    df = diff

However I don't want to add all my bash aliases to .gitconfig. That is not DRY.

Is there a better solution?


  • Bash doesn’t load your .bashrc unless it’s interactive.

    Run :set shellcmdflag=-ic to set it to interactive for the current session.

    To make the setting permanent, add set set shellcmdflag=-ic to the end of your .vimrc file.

    Use a bang (!) before sending a command to shell. For example: :! cd folder/.