I need to get client's IP address in regular HttpHandler like this:
http = HttpHandler() do req::Request, res::Response
Response( ismatch(r"^/hello/",req.resource) ? string("Hello ", split(req.resource,'/')[3], "!") : 404 )
Neither req
nor http.sock
contain this information.
Thanks to waTeim's answer, but it's from 2014 and things changed in Julia. This works nicely in Julia 6.0 and probably all above:
function ip(socket::TCPSocket)
buffer = Array{UInt8}(32)
bufflen::Int64 = 32
ccall(:uv_tcp_getpeername,Int64,(Ptr{Void},Ptr{UInt8},Ptr{Int64}), socket.handle, buffer, &bufflen)
peername::IPv4 = IPv4(buffer[5:8]...)