I'm trying to create a preg_replace pattern to add sequentially increasing numbers in replacements to words. For example, I want to change this:
"Mary had a little lamb"
to this:
"(:word_1:Mary:) (:word_2:had:) (:word_3:a:) (:word_4:little:) (:word_5:lamb:)"
The longest lines would never have more than 16 words. I don't think it would be such a problem, except I can't find anything on sequentially increasing numbers. After much frustration, I thought about just writing an expression that would just make 16 seperate (recursive?) passes through each line, but that seemed kind of insane. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Basically I just need to prepend each word in a string with "(:word_1:", "(:word_2:", etc., each one increasing incrementally.
Here is your solution. Try this
$string = "Mary had a little lamb";
$count = 0;
$newstring = preg_replace_callback(
function($match) use (&$count) { return (( '(:word_' . $count++ . ':' .$match[0] . ':) ' )); },
echo $newstring;
PHP preg_replace_callback function is matching the regex pattern given as the first parameter with the $string given as its third parameter. you can also modify the regex pattern as per your need to match your required value. I also use $count as passing by reference to get the count of matched words.