I'm building a Scotty-based application and I'm trying to import and add a list of dynamic middlewares contained in a directory.
I don't want to hard-code my list of middleware - but as of now I'm using a Index.hs
which expose all the directory middlewares.
Let's say I have a Main.hs
import Controllers.Index (endpoints)
main :: IO ()
main = do
port <- read <$> getEnv "PORT"
scotty port $ do
middleware logStdoutDev
Then in Controllers/Index.hs
module Controllers.Index
( endpoints ) where
import Controllers.Order (order)
import Controllers.User (user)
import Web.Scotty (ScottyM)
endpoints :: ScottyM ()
endpoints = order >> user >> ...
Each Controllers/*.hs
contains a middleware.
What would be the best way to get rid of Controllers/Index.hs
Is there a way of importing all the modules from a directory and getting a list I can work with?
A little bit late, but this package helps to generate the needed imports from the setup, as suggested in the comments: