I have a table with players, results and ID:
Player | Result | ID
An | W | 1
An | W | 1
An | L | 0
An | W | 1
An | W | 1
An | W | 1
Ph | L | 0
Ph | W | 1
Ph | W | 1
Ph | L | 0
Ph | W | 1
A 'W' will always have an ID of 1,
I need to create a query that will count the maximum number of consecutive 'W's for each player:
Player | MaxWinStreak
An | 3
Ph | 2
I tried to use Rows Unbounded Preceeding but i can only get it to count the maximum number of Ws in total, and not consecutively
,max(t2.cumulative_wins) As 'Max'
( Select
,Sum(ID) Over (Partition By t.Result,t.player
Order By t.GameWeek Rows Unbounded Preceding) As cumulative_wins
) t2
Group By
Is there a different approach i can take ?
You need a column to specify the ordering. SQL tables represent unordered sets. In the below query, the ?
represents this column.
You can use the difference of row numbers to get each winning streak:
select player, count(*) as numwins
from (select t.*,
row_number() over (partition by player order by ?) as seqnum,
row_number() over (partition by player, result order by ?) as seqnum_r
from t
) t
where result = 'W'
group by player, (seqnum - seqnum_r);
You can then get the maximum:
select player, max(numwins)
from (select player, count(*) as numwins
from (select t.*,
row_number() over (partition by player order by ?) as seqnum,
row_number() over (partition by player, result order by ?) as seqnum_r
from t
) t
where result = 'W'
group by player, (seqnum - seqnum_r)
) pw
group by player;