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How to store ISO/IEC 19794-2 finger print template in postgreSQL database

I am building one biometric authentication application. I have successfully generated the finger print template data in console. I am getting these templates in ISO/IEC 19794-2 format. I just want to know that is there a way to store the ISO/IEC 19794-2 finger print template in postgreSQL database ? What can be the data type ?

I have followed their official website but no hint.
I am using ISO/IEC 19794-2 finger print template for storage and verification purpose.

I have 3M CSD200 scanner for getting the finger print template and I am using their SDK to build this application. They have used one algorithm matchIso19794_2Templates(byte[], byte[]) in which it accept two templates in byte array form and identifies whether they are same or not.


  • You could store fingerprint template in database in multiple ways:

    1. Large object

    1. bytea

    1. in hexa (for small data)

    You could convert your byte array to hexa, and store string

    To compare, fingerprints there's two cases:

    1. Compare 1 to 1

    You could use method matchIso19794_2Templates(byte[], byte[]) provide by your SDK

    1. Compare 1 to n

    You could use an AFIS