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I have some script and I have no idea what it is doing, will be happy if somebody will explain me:


if (-d test) then
    svn up test
    svn checkout http:some address test

cd tests
python $argv

P.S can't find info about functions cd and svn

thanks in advance for any help


  • The script runs a second revision-controlled test script

    This script runs a python program which appears to run some tests. The script understands that the test directory is stored in a subversion repository.

    • If there is a test directory, it updates it in case it has been changed in the repository, perhaps by another svn user or by the same user in a different working directory.
    • If there is no test directory, it checks it out.
    • Then it changes its current directory to the working directory.
    • Then it runs the test script.

    I'm a bit confused about one thing. It checks out "test" but then changes its directory to "tests". So either there is a transcription error in the original post or something slightly more complex is going on, like, it somehow assumes that tests exists but not test.