So, I have created a Zend application following the quick start guide (so it has layouts, and heavy usage of application.ini configurations rather that hard-coded options) with a few changes here and there, but now I want to manipulate the output given to the browser... I've googled but it seems that I don't know how to search or more importantly what to search... I want to be able to do something like:
echo 'Hello ';
echo 'World';
echo '!';
$buffer = ob_get_contents();
echo my_own_function($buffer);
And do some TIDY, comment/space removing, etc... I mean it isn't just that, I want to be able to do any post-processing on-the-fly. Also I wanna get my hands over the headers before are dispatched (I'm using php5.3) it is possible?
I mean which are the classes/methods that output headers and send text to the browser so it can be interpreted?
Thanks in advance.
for this purpose you can write a Zend_Controller plugin. See the documentation here: Zend Controller Plugins.
In your particular situation, you want to hook on the dispatchLoopShutdown method.
How to write these plugins is described on the linked page.