I want to save a dataframe (downloaded data from internet, picked and then unpickled) to local csv file, but always getting errors on accessing it. See attached code.
There is no need to try and manually write your CSV file using the csv
library as you already have saved
in a Pandas Dataframe format. To save this to CSV is a simple as just adding:
saved.to_csv('{}{}{}.csv'.format(share, date_fm, date_to))
For example:
import pickle
from yahoo_historical import Fetcher
import csv
def loadDownloader(share, date_fm, date_to):
data = Fetcher(share, date_fm, date_to)
def saveDownloader(downloader, share, date_fm, date_to):
with open('{}{}{}.pickle'.format(share, date_fm, date_to), 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(downloader, file=f, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
def main():
downloader = None
share = str(input('share, eg. "UCG.MI" : '))
y_fm = int(input('start date Year : '))
m_fm = int(input('start date Month : '))
d_fm = int(input('start date Day : '))
y_to = int(input('end date Year : '))
m_to = int(input('end date Month : '))
d_to = int(input('end date Day : '))
date_fm = [y_fm, m_fm, d_fm]
date_to = [y_to, m_to, d_to]
print("Retrieving data")
downloader = loadDownloader(share, date_fm, date_to)
saveDownloader(downloader,share, date_fm, date_to)
with open('{}{}{}.pickle'.format(share, date_fm, date_to), 'rb') as f:
saved = pickle.load(f)
print("Exporting in progress")
saved.to_csv('{}{}{}.csv'.format(share, date_fm, date_to))
print("Job done")
if __name__ == "__main__":
Also note the use of format()
to make your string formatting easier.
This would give you a CSV output file looking like:
If you still wanted to do it manually:
with open('{}{}{}.csv'.format(share, date_fm, date_to), 'w', newline='') as fileobj:
newFile = csv.writer(fileobj)
newFile.writerow(saved.columns.values) # Get header names
for index, row in saved.iterrows():