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TypeError: 'DataFrame' object is not callable when saving to csv

I want to save a dataframe (downloaded data from internet, picked and then unpickled) to local csv file, but always getting errors on accessing it. See attached code.

see my code as image


  • There is no need to try and manually write your CSV file using the csv library as you already have saved in a Pandas Dataframe format. To save this to CSV is a simple as just adding:

    saved.to_csv('{}{}{}.csv'.format(share, date_fm, date_to))

    For example:

    import pickle
    from yahoo_historical import Fetcher
    import csv
    def loadDownloader(share, date_fm, date_to):
        data = Fetcher(share, date_fm, date_to)
    def saveDownloader(downloader, share, date_fm, date_to):
        with open('{}{}{}.pickle'.format(share, date_fm, date_to), 'wb') as f:
            pickle.dump(downloader, file=f, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
    def main():
        downloader = None
        share = str(input('share, eg. "UCG.MI" : '))
        y_fm = int(input('start date Year : '))
        m_fm = int(input('start date Month : '))
        d_fm = int(input('start date Day : '))
        y_to = int(input('end date Year : '))
        m_to = int(input('end date Month : '))
        d_to = int(input('end date Day : '))
        date_fm = [y_fm, m_fm, d_fm]
        date_to = [y_to, m_to, d_to]
        print("Retrieving data")
        downloader = loadDownloader(share, date_fm, date_to)
        saveDownloader(downloader,share, date_fm, date_to)
        with open('{}{}{}.pickle'.format(share, date_fm, date_to), 'rb') as f:
            saved = pickle.load(f)
        print("Exporting in progress")
        saved.to_csv('{}{}{}.csv'.format(share, date_fm, date_to))
        print("Job done")
    if __name__ == "__main__":

    Also note the use of format() to make your string formatting easier.

    This would give you a CSV output file looking like:

    Excel screenshot

    If you still wanted to do it manually:

    with open('{}{}{}.csv'.format(share, date_fm, date_to), 'w', newline='') as fileobj:
        newFile = csv.writer(fileobj)
        newFile.writerow(saved.columns.values)   # Get header names
        for index, row in saved.iterrows():