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Assign function result to a table variable

The SQL Server (2000/2005) function gets the table name and the field name as parameters and returns results from a dynamic query within the function. The results should be assigned to a Table variable which will be used further in a stored procedure. How to achieve this?

I am getting error: "Only functions and extended stored procedures can be executed from within a function."

Declare @Data as table (FieldValue varchar(100))
insert into @Data select * from MyFunction ('Person.Address','AddressID')     

-- Function
Alter function MyFunction (
   @TableName varchar(100), @FieldName varchar(100) 
) returns @GetData table (
   FieldValue  varchar(100) 
) as
        Declare @SQL varchar(250)
        Set @SQL = 'Select '+@FieldName+ ' from '+ @TableName
        Exec sp_executesql @SQL     


  • I'm not sure how this works with functions, but if you have a Stored Procedure that returns a resultset, you can insert that into a table variable using INSERT EXEC statements.

    INSERT @TableVariable
    EXEC spYourProcedure

    As long as the fields match that will work. Otherwise you can use:

    INSERT @TableVariable (FieldInSp1, FieldInSp2)
    EXEC spYourProcedure

    This way you can pass data between stored procedures. See this page on INSERT EXEC Statements for some extra information.